
Ella visits her Uncle Bud

June: Ella besøger sin onkel Bud, Swingin´ Welsh Bud på 7 år, i Aarhus. De to Welsh får lov at komme en tur med på stranden for at se den spændende kunstudstilling Sculpture by the Sea. Det er en varm fornøjelse, så fregnerne må have kølet tæerne i Aarhusbugten ;-)

Ella visits her Uncle Bud, Swingin´ Welsh Bud, 7, who lives in Aarhus with his owner and our friend Birte. We all visit the international art exhibition Sculpture by the Sea. It is a very hot day so the two WSS have to go for a quick dip in the sea ;-)



On the Beach



In the garden

Bud with niece Ella