23 September: NUCH RLI RLII Badgers Drift Magic Me "Buster", hvalp efter vores Ella/BD Red Rosaline og hollandske Sunny/Mastermind from Kind of Magic Me, og ejer Line klarede sig super flot til Rally Lydigheds konkurrence her i weekenden i Norge og endte op med 1.pr i klasse III. Norske Buster, som bor i Harstad med sin familie, er allerede Norsk Udstillingschampion og har erhvervet sig 2 Rally titler indtil videre. Line og Buster er et fantastisk team med et samarbejde i særklasse
23 September: NUCH RLI RLII Badgers Drift Magic Me "Buster", one of our Ella (DKCH(U) DKSCH(B)) RBM RØM Badgers Drift Red Rosaline) and Sunny´s (INTCH Mastermind from Kind of Magic) puppies, and his owner Line did really well this weekend at a Rally Obedience competition in Norway and got a 1st. Buster is currently competing in class III and has gained 2 Rally titles so far and is also Norwegian Show Champion. Buster and Line make such a great team
Norwegian Champ on top of the world
Line & Buster