
Lovely Dutch Visit

July: vi har dejligt besøg fra Holland af Jolanda In´t Groen og hendes mand Arian samt deres to sønner Ivo og Tim. Med sig har de tre Welsh Springere :-) Jolanda har Kennel from Kind of Magic og har opdrættet faderen til vores sidste kuld, Mastermind from kind of Magic "Sunny", som ejes af Marian og Jan Smolenaers. Vi har en af Sunny og Ellas sønner på besøg, dejlige "Enzo" Badgers Drift Mastermind Magic, så ham får familien så også fornøjelsen af at  møde.

Lovely visit from Holland from Jolanda In´t Groen, her husband Arian and sons Ivo & Tim and their three WSS. Jolanda is the owner of Kennel from Kind of Magic and has bred the father of our latest litter, Mastermind from Kind of Magic "Sunny", owned by Marian and Jan Smolenaers. Luckily we also look after one of Sunny and Ella´s sons, lovely "Enzo" Badgers Drift Mastermind Magic, so Jolanda and family get to meet him, too.


In the garden at Badgers Drift


Jolanda & Arian with sons Ivo and Tim...and of course little "Enzo" Badgers Drift Mastermind Magic


Jolanda with "Enzo"